Introduction to R for microbial ecologists
Introduction to R for microbial ecologists
- 1 Aim
- 2 Prerequisites
- 3 Ressources
- 4 Step by step tutorial
- 4.1 Some important points before starting
- 4.2 Start R Studio
- 4.3 Load necessary libraries
- 4.4 Create simple vectors and data frame
- 4.5 Importing data
- 4.6 Compute derived quantities and Statistics (using dplyr library)
- 4.7 Do simple X-Y plots (using ggplot2 library)
- 4.8 Other types of plots
- 4.9 Tree maps (much better than Pie charts…)
- 4.10 Bar graphs
- 4.11 Heat maps
- 4.12 Multivariate analysis (FactoMiner package)
- 4.13 Maps
- 4.14 Manipulate sequences
1 Aim
This document introduces basic R functions that can be used by microbial ecologists.
2 Prerequisites
Download from GitHub the whole set of tutorial
Unzip the files to a folder on your computer
Install R
Install R studio
Once R and R installed start R Studio and download and install the following libraries by running under R studio the following lines
install.packages("dplyr") # To manipulate dataframes
install.packages("tidyr") # To manipulate dataframes
install.packages("readxl") # To read Excel files into R
install.packages("ggplot2") # for high quality graphics
install.packages("maps") # to make maps
install.packages("treemap") # for treemaps
install.packages("FactoMineR") # multivariate analysis
biocLite("Biostrings") # manipulate sequences
3 Ressources
3.1 Books
- R-intro.pdf : Very good introduction to R, short and clear
- R_in_a_nutshell.pdf : Many many receipes to solve all your questions
- R graphics cook book : very good for ggplot2
3.2 Web
3.2.1 Introductory
3.4 On line course
4 Step by step tutorial
4.1 Some important points before starting
- R is an interpreted language
- R is case sensitive
- R works with vectors
- Types of variables : character, real, logical, factor
- Special values : TRUE, FALSE, NA
- Types of structures : vector, matrix, list, data frame
- Directory names use the linux convention: use / and not
4.2 Start R Studio
- Go to the tutorial folder
- Switch to the subdirectory
- Launch R Studio
- Four windows
- top-left : script files / data tables
- bottom -left: code
- top - left : objects
- bottom - right : help / libraries / files / graphics
4.3 Load necessary libraries
4.4 Create simple vectors and data frame
4.4.1 Enter the data
Our aim here to create a small table and then to compute some simple statistics
station | fraction | diatoms | bolidos | |
4 | Nano | 17165 | 2 | |
4 | Pico | 59786 | 1293 | |
72 | Nano | 6951 | 3 | |
72 | Pico | 3815 | 494 |
4.4.2 Compute new quantities
[1] 17167 61079 6954 4309
[1] 0.9998835 0.9788307 0.9995686 0.8853562
4.4.3 Compute statistics
[1] 0.9659098
[1] 0.05459839
[1] 4
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.8854 0.9555 0.9892 0.9659 0.9996 0.9999
4.4.5 Data frames
station fraction diatoms bolidos diatoms_pct
1 4 Nano 17165 2 0.9998835
2 4 Pico 59786 1293 0.9788307
3 72 Nano 6951 3 0.9995686
4 72 Pico 3815 494 0.8853562
4.4.9 Computing statistics according to a factor
This can be done at least two different ways, but you will see later that it is much easier to do with the dplyr package
4 72
38475.5 5383.0
station diatoms
1 4 38475.5
2 72 5383.0
4.5 Importing data
A few important points :
- Your data must be formatted in a clean table form
- No blank line
- Each column must contain data of the same type (e.g. dates)
- Missing data can be represented by empty cells
- Each line must contain data in ALL columns
- Column titles (the first line)
- No space (use _)
- Always begin by letter (not a number)
- Only import primary data, all derived data can (and must) be computed with R which makes data changes much more easy
4.5.1 The hard way - exporting from Excel to a tab-delimited file
- Open Excel file in /data directory : R_Tara.xlsx
- Copy and Paste into text file using Notepad++
- Save as R_Tara.txt
Note : you can also export from Excel but then it must be TAB-delimited (tsv file)
Get the name and type of all the columns - Note that strings are of type “factor” Note that empty cells are labelled as NA (not available) which is a R constant
'data.frame': 293 obs. of 28 variables:
$ Sample : Factor w/ 293 levels "TV9_1","TV9_10",..: 124 121 141 122 123 120 93 58 101 68 ...
$ Bacillariophyta : int 17165 6159 59786 4689 6280 1000 12517 64721 8126 13584 ...
$ Bolidophyceae : int 12 42 1293 1036 2 188 24 163 2991 2261 ...
$ Chrysophyceae : int 26 223 8758 7494 21 670 296 593 10069 25834 ...
$ Dictyochophyceae: int 155 487 21967 21293 14 1026 265 1658 19440 48876 ...
$ Pelagophyceae : int 233 138 73474 4774 13 722 40 31 1687 871 ...
$ Phaeophyceae : int 0 12 1835 526 0 11 12 25 382 2738 ...
$ Pinguiophyceae : int 11 2 19 40 6 5 50 229 20 32 ...
$ Raphidophyceae : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 21 48 23 ...
$ Strameno_all : int 17602 7063 167132 39852 6336 3622 13222 67441 42763 94219 ...
$ Photo_all : int 22708 8817 427846 93006 8976 5392 14299 70406 81891 144725 ...
$ depth_level : Factor w/ 2 levels "DCM","SUR": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
$ station : int 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 ...
$ template : Factor w/ 2 levels "D","WGA/D": 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 ...
$ fraction : Factor w/ 4 levels "0.8-5","180-2000",..: 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 ...
$ ntags : int 1796545 2128487 2122955 976685 1857697 3150580 2549282 1606212 1625284 1334743 ...
$ Month : Factor w/ 10 levels "apr","aug","dec",..: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...
$ Latitude : num 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 ...
$ Longitude : num -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 ...
$ sampling_depth : num 40 3 40 3 40 3 42 3 42 3 ...
$ date : Factor w/ 77 levels "01-Aug-2011 20:13:34",..: 44 44 44 44 44 44 65 64 65 64 ...
$ chloro_hplc : num NA 0.0984 NA 0.0984 NA ...
$ tara_NO2 : num NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.005 0.076 0.005 0.076 ...
$ tara_PO4 : num NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.026 0.041 0.026 0.041 ...
$ NO2NO3 : num NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.4 0.23 0.4 0.23 ...
$ tara_SI : num NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.652 0.998 0.652 0.998 ...
$ tara_temp : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ tara_salinity : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
4.5.2 The easy way - Read directly Excel (readxl library)
Get the name and type of all the columns - Note that strings are now of type “char”, which is better
Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 293 obs. of 28 variables:
$ Sample : chr "TV9_237" "TV9_234" "TV9_254" "TV9_235" ...
$ Bacillariophyta : num 17165 6159 59786 4689 6280 ...
$ Bolidophyceae : num 12 42 1293 1036 2 ...
$ Chrysophyceae : num 26 223 8758 7494 21 ...
$ Dictyochophyceae: num 155 487 21967 21293 14 ...
$ Pelagophyceae : num 233 138 73474 4774 13 ...
$ Phaeophyceae : num 0 12 1835 526 0 ...
$ Pinguiophyceae : num 11 2 19 40 6 5 50 229 20 32 ...
$ Raphidophyceae : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 21 48 23 ...
$ Strameno_all : num 17602 7063 167132 39852 6336 ...
$ Photo_all : num 22708 8817 427846 93006 8976 ...
$ depth_level : chr "DCM" "SUR" "DCM" "SUR" ...
$ station : num 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 ...
$ template : chr "WGA/D" "D" "D" "D" ...
$ fraction : chr "5-20" "5-20" "0.8-5" "0.8-5" ...
$ ntags : num 1796545 2128487 2122955 976685 1857697 ...
$ Month : chr "sep" "sep" "sep" "sep" ...
$ Latitude : num 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 ...
$ Longitude : num -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 -6.57 ...
$ sampling_depth : num 40 3 40 3 40 3 42 3 42 3 ...
$ date : chr "15-Sep-2009 16:45:02" "15-Sep-2009 16:45:02" "15-Sep-2009 16:45:02" "15-Sep-2009 16:45:02" ...
$ chloro_hplc : num NA 0.0984 NA 0.0984 NA ...
$ tara_NO2 : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ tara_PO4 : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ NO2NO3 : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ tara_SI : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ tara_temp : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ tara_salinity : num NA NA NA NA NA ...
4.6 Compute derived quantities and Statistics (using dplyr library)
Compute % of Bacilliarophyta and Pelagophyceae vs Total photosynthetic
tara <- tara %>% mutate(Baci_pct = Bacillariophyta/Photo_all * 100, Pela_pct = Pelagophyceae/Photo_all *
Mean and SD as a function of size fraction and depth_level
tara_stat <- tara %>% group_by(fraction, depth_level) %>% summarise(Baci_pct_mean = mean(Baci_pct),
Baci_pct_SD = sd(Baci_pct), n = n())
# A tibble: 8 x 5
# Groups: fraction [?]
fraction depth_level Baci_pct_mean Baci_pct_SD n
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 0.8-5 DCM 14.5 15.6 33
2 0.8-5 SUR 12.5 15.0 40
3 180-2000 DCM 59.0 30.2 31
4 180-2000 SUR 53.7 29.9 45
5 20-180 DCM 84.7 20.6 28
6 20-180 SUR 81.7 19.6 42
7 5-20 DCM 73.8 26.5 33
8 5-20 SUR 74.6 27.7 41
4.7 Do simple X-Y plots (using ggplot2 library)
Load the ggplot2 library
X vs Y
X vs Y with variation in color of points with size fraction
X vs Y with variation in color of points with size fraction and shape with depth level
X vs Y with variation in color of points with size fraction and shape with depth level
X vs Y with variation sampling_depth for color of points and shape with with size fraction.
Note that sampling_depth is a continuous variable
Categorical data vs y with variation in color of points with depth level
4.8 Other types of plots
Boxplot for the same data
Histogram for all the data
Histogram with different color for each size fraction
Histogram with different graphs (facets) for each size fraction and depth and change bin width
4.9 Tree maps (much better than Pie charts…)
Reshape the data in order to go from the wide format to go too the long format
tara_tree <- tara %>% select(Sample, depth_level:fraction, Strameno_all, Bacillariophyta:Raphidophyceae) %>%
gather(key = Class, value = n_seq, Bacillariophyta:Raphidophyceae)
Do a global tree map
Split the tree map according to size fraction
4.10 Bar graphs
4.10.1 Absolute abundance
Only keep surface samples
Do the bar plot for absolute read numbers
* Note : rotation of labels : theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
ggplot(tara_bar, aes(x = Sample, y = n_seq, fill = Class)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
theme_bw() + ggtitle("Tara - Surface - Fraction 0.8-5 µm") + xlab("Samples") +
ylab("Number of metabarcodes") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,
hjust = 1))
4.10.2 Relative abundance
Compute the relative abundance of each sequence by dividing by the total number of barcodes
Do the bar plot for relative read numbers
ggplot(tara_bar, aes(x = Sample, y = n_seq_rel, fill = Class)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
theme_bw() + ggtitle("Tara - Surface - Fraction 0.8-5 µm") + xlab("Samples") +
ylab("Fraction of metabarcodes") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,
hjust = 1))
4.11 Heat maps
Note : for metabarcoding data use phyloseq package.
Select the fraction and columns (from Bacillariophyta to Raphidophyceae) to be plotted and transform to a matrix
tara_heat <- tara %>% filter(fraction == "0.8-5") %>% select(Bacillariophyta:Raphidophyceae)
tara_heat.matrix <- data.matrix(tara_heat)
# It is necessary to give names to the row for heatmap labels
row.names(tara_heat.matrix) <- tara$station[fraction == "0.8-5"]
Draw heatmap
4.12 Multivariate analysis (FactoMiner package)
Principal component analysis (PCA)
# Select only the 0.8-5 µm fraction and only the colums with phytplankon
# data and metadata
tara_multi <- tara %>% filter(fraction == "0.8-5")
# Define row names as 'Station_Depth level' (points with be labelled by row
# names)
row.names(tara_multi) <- paste(tara_multi$station, tara_multi$depth_level, sep = "_")
# Select only with phytoplankon data and metadata
tara_multi <- tara_multi %>% select(Bacillariophyta:Raphidophyceae, chloro_hplc:tara_salinity)
# Scale the matrix
tara_multi <- scale(tara_multi)
# Do the PCA
tara_pca <- PCA(tara_multi)
4.13 Maps
Select only surface and small fraction
Draw the world map and add the stations
# Draw the world map
map(database = "world", fill = TRUE)
# Add stations
points(tara_map$Longitude, tara_map$Latitude, pch = 3, col = "red", cex = 1)
# Add data - circle size is proprotional to proportion of
points(tara_map$Longitude, tara_map$Latitude, pch = 19, col = "blue", cex = tara_map$Baci_pct *
# Add title
title("Bacilliorophyta as % of Photosynthetic - 0.8-5 µm - surface", cex.main = 1)
4.14 Manipulate sequences
In BioConductor there are many packages that can process sequences either GenBank or short reads
Read sequences from metagenome (454)
Compute length of sequence (discard N), compute statistics and plot histogram
[1] 41 581
[1] 185.89
Compute GC% and do simple plots
# Compute number of 'GC'
GC_seq <- letterFrequency(seq, letters = "CG")
# Compute GC % in sequence
GC_percent <- GC_seq/Length_seq
# Do histogram
qplot(GC_percent, geom = "histogram", xlab = "GC %", ylab = "Frequency")
Exercice : Load sequence from Bathycoccus and compare GC% to that of the whole metagenome